
Aug 28, 2021

EDS Postgraduate Course 2022 in Belgrade, Serbia, June 9–11, 2022

EDS Postgraduate Course 2022 in Belgrade, Serbia, June 9–11, 2022

Due to the current situation, the European Digestive Surgery (EDS) Postgraduate Course 2020 will now take place on June 9–11, 2022. Please mark your calendars for the 14th EDS Postgraduate Course, to be held in Belgrade, Serbia.

Dear colleagues and friends,
We are pleased to inform you that the new date of the 14th EDS meeting is 9-11. June 2022. This congress will be held at the same place as originally planned, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Belgrade, Serbia.
We hope that despite all difficulties and challenges, during this period in our personal and professional lives, we will be able to meet again in person to exchange experiences and knowledge, and strengthen our friendships.
A renowned local and international faculty will deliver a variety of lectures on the cutting edge of surgery. Additional live surgery, workshops and an evidence-based medicine (EBM) course will be offered as part of the EDS PGT Course. European Digestive Surgery offers 20 travel grants (EUR 250.– each) for the 14th EDS Postgraduate Course. Please send your application together with your CV and a short letter of motivation to (the exact conditions can be found at prior to the course). Please note that travel grants can only be awarded to EDS members. You can easily become a member by visiting membership. The application deadline is May 31, 2022. We are looking forward to seeing you at the 14th EDS Postgraduate Course in Belgrade, Serbia!


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